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The Giftthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1722 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: newwriter
Added: Apr 04 2012Views / Reads: 2474 / 1627 [66%]Part vote: 9.12 (16 votes)
Wife gives a birthday gift that is unexpected and then makes it even better.

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I wish you would tell me what you want for your birthday.

(Why?, I think. I have told you before and you will not give it to me. You get upset that I would suggest such a thing.) ‘There is nothing I want you to buy' I say aloud.

There has to be something. A tool for the shop? Some special wood to make a bowl from?

Nope, nothing like that. (I think about what I really want. It started in bed one night when she told me of her fantasy. Being caressed by three or four men while having sex. That was such an erotic mental image for me. We talked about that over the next couple of weeks and I thought I would try to make her fantasy come true. I went online and found that there is a club nearby that has parties for open minded couples. Observing or participating in single or multi party sex. They meet occasionally (invitation only) and have a strict set of rules. Rule number 1 is "NO MEANS NO!" Rule number 2 is "ALWAYS ASK BEFORE TOUCHING!". I thought GREAT! We can visit and see what happens and go from there.

When I suggested a visit she erupted! Very upset that I would suggest such a thing! How could I? ...

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