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Home comingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1982 words)

Author: JenniGee Picture in profile
Added: May 20 2012Views / Reads: 1203 / 709 [59%]Story vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
He was home at last. She wanted him badly but tried to be good and leave her demanding pussy alone.

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Even the pad of toilet tissue sliding over her labia was enough to force Annella to draw in a deep breath then let it escape once again in a heart-felt sigh. Standing up from the toilet seat she eased the panties from their temporary position at her knees up and over her thighs. Her pussy cried ‘yes' at the idea that crept to the front of her mind and her hands paused relaxing their grip slightly.

‘No!' She actually said it out loud as if to tell her hands to carry on the task she had given them, and not to even think of approaching her pussy without the material between her fingers that would act as a deterrent barrier to any manipulations they had in view.

Annella had praised herself, had almost boasted about her self-control in the week just past. But, as soon as the cocoon of the bedding had released her from its soporific grip this morning there it was, that insistent itch at her pussy that almost insisted on being scratched.

In the shower she sang to herself, busied her mind in trying to remember the words to some obscure song to take her mind off her fingers, lubricated by gel suds, siding between her legs and over her pussy lips, even daring to nudge her clitoris. It had made sense to rid her mound the night before of all vestiges of the blonde bush that had grown there. Today there was no chance of holding her pussy lips in order to shave... not without a full-blown masturbation session resulting. ...

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