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Carrie's Hot Ride on the Corporate Ladder (mf,ff,mmmmff)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3006 words)

Author: Midnight Vixen
Added: Jan 06 2001Views / Reads: 5278 / 4268 [81%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
Carrie finds the ride to the top of the corporate ladder filled with "sexual favors" she must pay if she wants to succeed and come out on top

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This had been one hell of a day. The company VP had carried on a numbing 3 1/2 hour speech about where he thought the company, and in particular, his division, were headed in the 21st century. The morning meetings hadn't been quite so bad. New business & product developement lasted about an hour, and employee successes for the year 2000 lasted about 2hours. The latter was much more enjoyable due to the fact that Carrie had achieved a larger degree of gain than any other Acct. Mgr. and was showered with praise & awards for much of the 2 hours. But now, she was standing in line to shake Bill Chambers hand & thank him for all the wonderful opportunities he was making available for the upcoming year, all the while knowing & dreading the fact that Bill Chambers had more than career opportunities in mind for her.

When she first started with Global Finances 2 years ago, Bill Chambers was Marketing Mgr & she had been hired as an Account Trainee & was told she would be working "directly under" Mr. Chambers & she should feel very grateful for such an opportunity to work for a genius in this field. On her 3rd day, she realized that working "directly under" Bill Chambers had multiple meanings. Now Carrie was used to dealing with aggressive men & "men who wanted to help her". As a sophomore in high school she had fought off her science teacher for most of the year. He said that she was the girl of his dreams & that he just had to have her.....she would be able to "write her own grades" if she would just give in. But Carrie didn't need help with her grades.....she was maintaining an A average & was a certainty on the Deans list. No one ...

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