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Expanding Her Horizons Ch. 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3986 words) [5/14] show all parts

Author: Daveo 32 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 05 2012Views / Reads: 1413 / 915 [65%]Part vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
She takes her expansion further. God how I love her and her exploration of her sexuality.

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Thank you for your continued support. I have enjoyed sharing my writing with you. Just want to share my wife's body too.

Chapter V

"Darling, You know we were in Ann Summers today?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well you mentioned to that girl..."

"You mean that hot blonde? She was nice. Would you do her?" my wife asked.

"Well yeah given a chance I would, but that's not what I am on about. You talked about getting your nipple pierced. Were you serious and why now?"

"Yes I am serious. You've mentioned it a few times, and the idea kinda excites me. But I am scared. That's why I got the clamps."

"But why now? Has Karl asked you?"

"Nooooo," she laughed, "I wanted to see what reaction I would get out of that girl. I'm not wearing them for a few days. Maybe next week we can ...

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