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Photofinishing is Done in the Dark IIthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 6289 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Jun 15 2012Views / Reads: 1413 / 1022 [72%]Part vote: 9.38 (8 votes)
Word has circulated that Gene is back in town and as it spreads, other old female classmates that had him on the radar begin to surface. Julie's bet friend, Crystal, waylays him while recruiting him to deliver a talk to the youth league. He recovers and

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Photofinishing is done in the Dark--Part II

I stayed awake far longer than I had intended, but I couldn't shake myself away from staring at her startlingly superb body that supported her exquisite breasts. I was in full admiration of her firm nipples as I observed them surrounded by a gradually fading aureole as it disappeared into the sides of the grapefruit-sized orbs. I admired her flat abdomen and small navel. I was an open-mouth ogler, filling my eyes with the burnt orange pubic hair as it formed its vee and disappeared between her legs. I so badly wanted to touch her once more and not ever stop, but I knew she had to be up early and working, so I unenthusiastically resisted. While I admired her legs, she mewed, rolled to her left side, pulled her legs into the fetal position and my heart leapt into a fluttering when her ass was fully exposed to my rapidly blinking eyes. The waft of her cologne impelled me to ease my body up, slide down slightly for a closer view, and when I saw the full crack, I strongly fought the overpowering urge to run my tongue through her its appealing bend. Gritting my teeth, I satisfied myself knowing that my time would come again soon enough. I hesitantly moved back up, turned to my left side, lay my head on the pillow and drifted off to sleep.

She was already gone when I managed to wake in the strange surroundings. After shaking off the shock of the unfamiliar room, I hit the shower, dressed quickly, had a to-go cup of the coffee she had left for me and ...

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