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The Gift Gets Betterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 2116 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: newwriter
Added: Jun 18 2012Views / Reads: 1350 / 987 [73%]Part vote: 8.78 (9 votes)
After the birthday present visit to a swingers gathering my wife surprises me again when she invites 3 couples for dinner.

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The gift gets better.

It did not take long for things to revert back to the normal routine after the GREAT birthday gift my wife gave me. The non participation visit to the swingers club. Observing the couples and groups showing such a high degree of pleasure and freedom in each other's bodies had really been a release for her and when we got home we had sex like never before.

The excitement lasted another day or so and then tapered off to the old routine. Sex became a seldom experience. As usual it was my fault. I was not romantic enough. I was not funny leading into foreplay. I did not initiate things (trying to play with her pussy, back rubs, cuddles with my hard dick between her legs don't count). Kissing didn't help because she doesn't like long kisses much less tongue. So, all in all nothing much was happening.

I have to admit that she has a bad history that definitely affects her libido. As a child she was sexually abused by a family member. Her family was also very strict and straight laced. Sex was not something for fun and enjoyment but something to be endured. As a result, it is often difficult for her to stay in the present during sex. Her mind will jump to other things and then she is lost. That does not help me stay present when she suddenly starts talking about the shoes she wanted to buy or the discussion she had with one of her daughters. ...

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