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My Place for Game Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 6761 words)

Author: Mustangjohn
Added: Jun 26 2012Views / Reads: 3791 / 3242 [86%]Story vote: 9.62 (13 votes)
A night of exposing my drunk girfriend leads to a hot night

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Poker Night at My Place

It was Friday day night and time for our weekly poker game. The guys and I played at my house because I had a game room set up in the basement with a card and pool table. Rob and his girlfriend Katie had a place but it was small and not very good for entertaining. My buddy Steve and Joe were both long time bachelors and shared a small apartment that was only good for crashing not entertaining. I didn't mind using may place. At least I didn't have to drive home afterwards . Rob and Katie are a great couple. She puts up with him which is more than most girls would. Rob is one to play all night, while Katie is a light weight. She isn't a big drinker and has trouble keeping awake when she tags along to our games . Steve and Joe are great friends who would do anything for any of their friends. They are both big flirts though and it doesn't matter that a girl's hubby or boyfriend is nearby when they hit on them . Joe has even tried to mess with some of my old girlfriend's right in front of me. He claims he is harmless but I know that if I hadn't caught him more than once, things would have gone far beyond flirting on several occasions. The worse one was once when we were partying down at the lake. My girlfriend had decided to go swimming while I sat on the shore and drank beer. I didn't notice that Joe had made his way out into the lake and had joined up with my girlfriend and some others. He managed to untie my girl's top while they were fooling around. He said it was innocent but I know he had felt her up under the water before I noticed what they were up too. When she saw me looking, she quickly turned away ...

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