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The Housewarming partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 4451 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jul 05 2012Views / Reads: 4729 / 2935 [62%]Story vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
Going to Eric’s housewarming party, I became, much to the displeasure of some of the other women, the centre of attention. ‘Fuck em’ is all I can say, if they can’t be bothered handling their men. I’m Mandy, and I just love to fuck Big Black Dick!

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Several weeks later, Jane and I are sat at a bar having a quiet drink. Noticing that I looked a bit ‘up', almost devilish, she asked what had gotten into, or, more to the point been inside, me.

"I've been bad, Jane, more than my usual slutty self. But, you must promise not to tell anyone else about it if I tell you," I intimated.

"All right then, I promise," she assured me.

"Okay then. Eric, the black guy who I worked with and sat opposite me and whom I've been familiar with on a few occasions, recently moved to an executive level job and received a hefty increase in his pay, as a result. Being single, as he was, he decided to invest his future earnings in buying a house, and, having gotten the keys, invited me along to view it. Somewhat pleased for him, and since he decided then and there to buy the property, we somewhat pre-christened it.

Luckily, there was some furniture from the previous owners and so we took advantage of their 4-poster bed, something I've always wanted to do it on. Having removed my stockings, Eric asked if he could tie my hands to the head posts and I naturally obliged him. After that, he teased the life out of me, making me beg him to fuck his long black cock into me. God, it was the most powerful fucking and orgasms I've ever had."


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