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The Librarian Recommends a Bookthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 6101 words)

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Jul 07 2012Views / Reads: 2330 / 1856 [80%]Story vote: 9.50 (14 votes)
I watched the library every day from my office. I became absorbed by the yellow-pant-suited woman and decided to visit the library for the first time. The book she suggested dealt with a woman obsessed with anal sex. After reading the summary, I checked i

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The Librarian Recommends a Book

My office is a partnership of three people that includes me, Ryan Dell, the majority owner, and two of my college classmates, Roy Marks and Walter Morrison, and we deal in self-insured benefit programs, retirement plan installation, plan administration, and commercial insurance products. Our office is located in the downtown center city, once a hub of daily activity. However, it is now a sedate, aging urban dinosaur with little in the way to attract crowds of shoppers or commerce. Revitalization attempts lived a short, expensive life without creating a legacy worth explaining. We have little walk-in traffic; therefore we made an economic decision to locate where we did to take advantage of the lower lease rate for the large space we occupy. With all the dismal negatives, the one bright spot is the library at the corner on the street facing our building. I see it from my office window whenever I glance out the window. The odd reference I am making to the library is to advise you that as often as I see the building, I have never been inside it.

In the last two weeks I have been intrigued when I stand at the window with my morning coffee and observe the traffic at the intersection, there has been a new addition to my sight. At nearly the same exact time, eight-fifteen, what appears to be an attractive woman crosses the street, energetically takes the eight steps up, unlocks the door and disappears inside. The more I watch, the higher my curiosity climbs. ...

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