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Sharin' the Librarian Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1377 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: D. Page
Added: Jul 08 2012Views / Reads: 1911 / 1312 [69%]Part vote: 8.78 (9 votes)
My wife is a prim and proper librarian by day. But she turns into a slutty wife who enjoys being shared with other men. This is Part 2 of my story, Sharin' the Librarian.

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I had agreed to give Barb and Carl about an hour alone in our motel room before joining them. I sat at the bar nursing my beer wondering what they were doing. Barb always gave me the details afterwards, but the anticipation and my imagination were killing me. To hasten the passage of time, I danced a few times with Carolyn, who I had met earlier in the evening while Barb was dancing with Carl.

The Do No Disturb card was not on display when I arrived at the motel room. I knocked a couple of times before swiping the key card. As I opened the door, the first thing I spotted was Barb's sundress, bra and panties, which we had selected so carefully earlier in the day, scattered about the floor. Carl's pants and shirt were there, too.

Barb jumped off the bed and gave me a big hug and kiss. I asked her if everything was "OK." She answered with a smile and said, "Carl's got me so worked up I can't stand it." I knew from past experience that that was a good sign. Otherwise, she would say, "Let's get this over with," if she wasn't connecting with her new friend. That only happened once, however.

Carl seemed a little uncomfortable at first when I joined them. I suppose it's a bit awkward knowing that the husband of the woman who's been sucking your dick is in the room. However, that mood passed quickly.


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