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The Neighborhood Slut by Kip Carsonthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1457 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Kip Carson Picture in profile
Added: Jan 08 2001Views / Reads: 5618 / 4546 [81%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Fresh out of high school, myself, and 3 of my closest friends encounter an extremely hot, horny older woman.

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The summer after high school, myself and a group of 3 of my friends all worked part time jobs, waiting to start college. We all 4 lucked out and got jobs at the same place, and our hours couldn't have been better. We worked from 8 am to 12 noon Monday thru Friday with weekends off. My very best friend, Mike had gotten the jobs for us, because his uncle owned the store, and he talked him into hiring Matt, and Jeff for us as well. It was perfect, because we could still party, and do all the normal things we would be doing, plus it gave us spending money.

The 4 of us had little sexual experience, I mean, your basic do it with the girlfriend, quickie type stuff, but nothing spectacular. Well, I had the most dependable car, and I picked up everyone for work, Jeff being our last stop, since he was closest to the store. Jeff was usually running late, and it kind of pissed everyone else off, because we were close to being late for work every day. That particular Friday morning, we arrived at Jeff's house, and he was still in the shower, as normal. His mother told us to come in and watch television and wait for him. We sat, and she gave us each a soda, and we watched cartoons.

As we heard Jeff exit the bathroom, and scurry to his bedroom, we all headed up to his bedroom. "I'm sorry I'm late, guys" he said, seeming to mean it. "Well, it's gonna have to stop" Matt said. "Why are you late all the time?" we all asked him. "You really wanna know?" he ...

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