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Coach's Secretthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:straight/jock seduction, 4070 words)

Author: vmancini
Added: Aug 03 2012Views / Reads: 8684 / 4919 [57%]Story vote: 9.17 (6 votes)
I was summoned to the coach's office after school, little did I know where I would end up

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It was Friday afternoon, about 15 minutes until the school day was over and I was getting ready for the long weekend. We had just reached the mid point of the baseball season and had finished a grueling 3 day elimination tournament in 2nd place. Not bad considering we had some of the toughest teams in the region to go up against. But of course, my weekend would have to wait as my History teacher, Mrs. Upton called me to her desk to give me a note that had been delivered a few moments before. It was from Coach Rob, and said he needed to see me before I left for the weekend. He had decided to give us the weekend off to relax after we had done so well the prior weekend, and we all needed it. I guess the weekend would have to wait a few more minutes. As I entered the locker room the last few stragglers were getting dressed and making small talk after PE. Coach Rob's office was offset near the corner, and he shared it with the other coaches and PE instructors, but as I entered they were all leaving, except for Coach Rob who sat at his desk typing on his computer. "Hey Coach, you wanted to see me?" I asked. Coach Rob was maybe in his late forties, I'm not sure, but he was still every bit as fit as us. He was well liked by students and faculty alike, and I knew of more than one girl who had a puppy dog crush on him. I could see why, he was tall with pronounced features and a dark tan from being outside with us all the time. He was pretty cool too, for a teacher. He was hard on us when he needed to but knew how to relax and let us boys be boys, and even cracked a joke back at us from time to time. "Hey Mikey, have a seat." I took a seat across from him as he finished typing whatever he was working on. A moment ...

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