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The Office-Chapter Threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2189 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: Eyesofgreen
Added: Aug 07 2012Views / Reads: 1856 / 1400 [75%]Part vote: 9.70 (10 votes)
Breena begins to give in....

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Chapter Three

Breena stood up with tears still streaming down her face and her cum soaked panties in her hand, she turned and faced Tom with her head drooping toward the floor. "Put them back on now" Tom said. Breena started to bend over and Tom stopped her, saying "What do you say?" Breena looked up at him and said softly "Yes Sir".......Breena pulled her soaked panties and stood in front of Tom. "Good, now get down on your knees" he told her. Breena slowly got down onto her knees and waited for the worst. Instead, Tom sat down in his chair next to where she was kneeling and began to work at his desk. Breena waited and wondered what he was going to do. Was he going to make her wait on her knees all day? Tom seemingly ignored Breena as he kept working......

Almost 45 minutes later Tom laid down his pen and turned slightly toward Breena, sliding his chair a bit farther away so that he could face directly toward her. Breena was obviously in physical discomfort as her head was facing the floor and her hands were supporting her weight by resting them on her bare thighs. She didn't seem to notice that Tom had turned toward her. Tom reached down and softly touched her face, Breena jumped as he startled her. She looked up at him, her tears had dried but her makeup was smeared. "I want to teach you something" Tom said. Breena nodded slowly and almost whispered "Yes Sir"......Tom knew he almost had her now. "Unzip my pants and lower them. Breena reached up and unbuckled Tom's pants and unzipped them slowly. She hooked her ...

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