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Our Office Slutthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3036 words)

Author: Bearcat
Added: Jan 08 2001Views / Reads: 9171 / 7126 [78%]Story vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
True story about our receptionist Dawn. A real dream come true as she loves to suck dick and satisfy the guys.

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My name is Mark and I am a sales manager for a small moving & storage company. There are 7 of us in the sales department, 4 guys and 3 women. It is about 1 of these women I wish to write about. Her name is Dawn and she is our sales receptionist/administrative person. But the best way I can describe her is that she is our office slut.

First let me describe Dawn. She is in her mid to late 20's and about 5"4". Has wavy long strawberry blonde hair. The drawback of Dawn is that she is a bit chunky/overweight. But I really have to tell you that is the only negative feature about her. She has one of the prettiest faces I've ever seen. Her make-up is always well done, particularly her lipstick. In all honesty if I could ever say there was a mouth and lips born to suck dick, Dawn was born with it. She has very well manicured fingernails and you'll never know what color her nails would be day to day. And although she is overweight, she does dress herself rather sexy and sometimes provocatively. You can always count on Dawn wearing a nice skirt or dress and at times she will wear a sexy leather skirt or pants. You would never know that she is the office slut. She has a bubbly personality and is soft spoken. She doesn't act wild or crazy and generally presents herself very well. All I can say is that she just has a thing for giving head and really loves it. And she manages it very well. Needless to say she is rather popular with the guys in the office but surprisingly even though the ...

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