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An Interesting Twistthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:female domination, 2703 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Aug 15 2012Views / Reads: 5200 / 2875 [55%]Story vote: 9.50 (8 votes)
I finally hooked up with a married woman I had been flirting with but in the end was it worth it?

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Her small fingers grasped tightly around my neck as she reached up and looked sharply into my eyes. I was a full foot taller than her yet she conveyed an aura of power and dominance that sent shivers down my spine.

"You like that don't you Pig," she said harshly as her fingers clenched tighter, restricting but not blocking the airflow to my lungs. Her words echoed in my head and made my exposed dick twitch with excitement. I had never been dominated but I had dabbled with bondage with my ex-wife and I enjoyed the helpless feeling of being tied up by a sexy woman.

"Yes ma'am," I groaned softly as my hard dick grew rigid and pointed straight out, touching her soft flat stomach. Her pretty dark eyes sparkled as a playful yet mischievous smile crossed her beautiful face.

We had been acquaintances for several months but we had only really formally met earlier that day. I had watched her big round ass sway gently with each step as she walked along the sidewalk in front of me. I didn't know her name but our schedules were aligned such that we seemed to be walking to and from work at the same time at least four days of every week. She was short and curvaceous with wide hips, a narrow waist and full breasts. Her silky dark brown hair was worn shoulder length and she had a pretty face with gorgeous dark eyes ...

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