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Wifes College Partythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2657 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Aug 21 2012Views / Reads: 6168 / 5393 [87%]Part vote: 9.13 (23 votes)
Wife goes back to college to further her career and gets invited to a house party...

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About a year or so ago, I sat down with my husband and told him that I was thinking about going back to school to be able to further my career. I was looking at a substantial raise if I went back and achieved an additional degree. He agreed that we could use the extra money and so I signed up to take night classes. I looked at several colleges before deciding on one that wasn't too far from home. I filled out all of the required paperwork and was eventually enrolled for the classes.

I eventually began taking the courses, from Monday through Thursday, each night. One of my courses was a pretty mixed class, but I think I was one of the oldest people there. They were mostly younger college students and only two or three older people attending. Even though I was a bit older, I managed to mix in and get along with a lot of them. Everything was going pretty good and I was trying my best to keep up with everything. Balancing work and school wasn't the easiest of things, but I made it work.

About six months after I started taking the courses, I overheard a couple of the girls in the class talking about a big party that was coming up. I heard them talking about how much fun it was going to be and that everyone was going to be there. I was just browsing through a book listening to them chat when one of them came over to me and invited me to the party. I was flattered that they would ask me, but told them that I wasn't sure if I was really a party type of person. ...

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