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Passionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 4807 words)

Author: Kiwihef
Added: Oct 14 2012Views / Reads: 4175 / 3081 [74%]Story vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
I remember the day I first met her, I was at work, standing behind the counter, waiting for the rep from a supplier to come in......

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I remember the day I first met her, I was at work, standing behind the counter, waiting for the rep from a supplier to come in. Keeping busy as normal, watching some people go by the front window. Thinking nothing of it when I looked to see this gorgeous brunette walking by the window, heading into our store. Suddenly, I felt a rush of energy run through, a spark of electricity.

When the door opened and she walked in, she smiled the most beautiful smile. Her eyes, a soft, warm brown; she was tall, brunette with long thick hair, an amazing body. As she walked closer, the spark between us was undeniable. As she stepped to the counter, smiling, locking eyes with me, she reached her hand to me and introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Haley; I'm here for a business meeting". She was a business rep for a company our business ordered from I thought, holy shit, no wonder they sell so much product to us business's. Trying to keep myself on track, I introduced myself back and offered her some coffee or something to drink.

As we shook hands, holding for a minute, I was stunned, taking her warm soft hand into mine, I told her it was a pleasure meeting her. Strange thing was, she and I had never met, but as I looked at her and she looked at me, it was like we had known each other for thousands of years. The electricity was intense and obvious to us both

As the day progressed, Haley and I went over forms, some new order ...

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