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one good turnthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2172 words)

Author: juangarianojuan
Added: Oct 25 2012Views / Reads: 832 / 463 [56%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
he dangers of time travel, and the benefits of a good tupping.

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Tim thrust deep into the woman lying beneath him. She was grunting quietly to his ploughing and he looked deep into her large green eyes, taking in the tousled black hair, the bed of tee tree leaf on which she was lying. Something very intimate passed between them then. He gave a little shudder and sped up.

"Here is comes, girly," he muttered and her eyes widened, she clenched her teeth in an excited snarl, sank her fingers into his back and lifted up her hips.

"Oh yes, yes yesssss!" she wailed and he spurted his seed into her body in two or three savage jerks of his buttocks, then lay sweating on her big tits, panting into her ear.

She was the middle aged daughter of the old couple next door, a school teacher by trade, and temperament, and had come over when she saw him digging in his garden on his twenty acre block of bushland, and had berated him about not having his cat sterilised. One thing had led to another, and she had agreed to step through the post and wire fence and continue the conversation in a thick little grove of tee tree, where he had become very aware this close up that this narrow hipped little harridan had very large breasts, and where she had let him undress her and then to enter her. ...

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