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Sammie Series #5 - Wayne Messes Upthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4467 words)

Author: sitback
Added: Nov 10 2012Views / Reads: 2214 / 1394 [63%]Story vote: 9.60 (5 votes)
Suzanne and Sammie have gotten really close to each other and haven't been paying much attention to Wayne. He then finds the attention of one of his online "Cam Buddies"

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Wayne Messes Up

5th Story in the "Sammie" Series

By: Sitback

Preface: It is a nice situation that Wayne has. He has a wonderful wife and 2 great boys Roy (age 15) and Glen (age 10). Wayne and his wife Suzanne are heavily involved in a youth marching band that their son Roy is in. Wayne helps the band and Suzanne oversees the pageantry unit. It was Suzanne's efforts with pageantry that caused her to become friends with Samantha (Sammie for short), one of the older girls in the unit. Sammie, not living in a great environment wanted to move out of her parents home as soon as she turned 18. Unfortunately, her plans changed when her relationship with her boyfriend ended suddenly. It was at this point that Wayne and Suzanne offered to let her move into their house. Shortly after she moved in, Wayne, Suzanne, and Sammie would discover their desires for each other and act on them.

********* This is the 5th story in the Sammie Series *********

Things seemed to change quickly in the house following the evening of "Truth or Dare". Sammie seemed to go into a bit of a funk. She wasn't spending any time with the family; getting home and going straight to her room. She would tell Suzanne and Wayne she was needing to get her ...

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