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Drunken Debaucherythis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 1007 words)

Author: Pervy
Added: Nov 20 2012Views / Reads: 5743 / 2877 [50%]Story vote: 8.25 (8 votes)
My wife and I get together with another couple for a night of drinking games, and adult fun.

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Hey all, this is my second submission. Everything is true, I've eliminated names and refer to people by their first initial. Please leave feedback and comments.

Some friends of ours were able to send their kids to "Camp Grandma" for the weekend, and invited us to celebrate their weekend of freedom. The original plan was to go out to a bar, but that means over-priced drinks, bad music, a bunch of assholes, and worst of someone has to stay sober to drive home. So we changed the plan, and bought a couple bottles of booze, grabbed some games, and stayed in to party at their place.

Now for a little background. The other couple are named C and A. The husband C used to date my wife, and they stayed friends. His wife A, and my wife are both bi and very attracted to each other. I am very attracted to A, and she is into me, and lastly, I've been bi-curious for several years. There's always been a bunch of flirting and sexual tension when the four of us get together, but C isn't into sharing.

So we get there around 8 with a bottle of rum, shot glasses, and some wine coolers. C had a fresh bottle of Jack. We started playing a card game where cheating is encouraged, but we added a new rule. If someone is caught cheating, everybody does a shot, and the cheater does two. By the halfway point we were all pretty lit, when the game was over the winner had to do three shots, and we decided to take a break ...

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