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How do you get a risethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 4116 words)

Author: Cornerman
Added: Jan 10 2001Views / Reads: 4251 / 3200 [75%]Story vote: 2.00 (1 vote)
She was prim and proper, he was desperate for money

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Julie Silk was proud of her performance at work. She was hard working and always punctual. She worked diligently and always received good reviews at the annual pay awards. However what she was most proud of washer ability to stay out of the constant scandal that seemed to be rife throughout the company.

The company had numerous social functions during the year and Julie never attended any of them. She was disgusted with the reports that came back, of the infidelity that had occurred and the bizarre sexual occurrences. This was probably partly due to the fact that she did not have a partner, although that's not to say that she did not want one she could just not find Mr Right.

It was Monday morning and Julie was preparing to get ready for work. As usual she showered and then started to get dressed. She had always been a conservative dresser and she had no intention of changing, besides although she did well with pay rises she still had several credit cards to pay off and she desperately wanted enough money to visit her sister who lived abroad.

After showering she looked at herself in the mirror. She was not for a 45-year-old unattractive, and in the past she had several boyfriends and although she had sex with them she had not thought the experience all that fantastic and she had never indulged in oral sex of any kind. Her hair was brown and long, it was also wavy but as she constantly ...

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