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Our Crazy Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2513 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Feb 03 2013Views / Reads: 3870 / 3196 [83%]Part vote: 9.56 (18 votes)
Went to visit one of my husbands high school friends and had a very interesting night...

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A few weekends ago my husband was invited by one of his high school friends to come down for the weekend to do a little fishing and get together at the house. He told me that we would go down on Saturday morning do some fishing and then we would go back to his friends house and have a little BBQ and a few drinks with him and his wife. I knew his friend pretty well from back in the school days and wasn't completely crazy about him because he was rather cocky, but I put up with it for my husband. His name was Mike and he had married a girl that he had met through an online chat room. Her name was Melissa and she was about my age. I had only met his wife a couple times and she seemed like a very nice woman. My husband was excited because he had not spent time with his buddy in a while and was looking forward to some relaxation and fishing. We finalized our plans and looked forward to a nice weekend.

The weekend finally arrived and we packed our car with everything that we would need and hit the road to head down. They lived a few hours away so we would have a little bit of a ride. It was early on a Saturday morning and there wasn't a lot of traffic so we made pretty good time. When we arrived, they were out in the yard waiting for us, getting their stuff ready to go fishing. They greeted us and we chatted for a few minutes before grabbing what we needed and heading for the bay. They didn't live very far so it only took a few minutes for us to get to the bay. Once we got there, we set up our stuff and the guys grabbed their poles and went fishing, while I laid on the sand with ...

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