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The Workshopthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 4970 words)

Author: JenniGee Picture in profile
Added: Feb 04 2013Views / Reads: 1709 / 1292 [76%]Story vote: 9.06 (16 votes)
Cindy's discovery in the workshop led to desires. Desire that she had to fulfill before returning to university.

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Cin reinforced the long press on the bell push by knocking on the front door. She became impatient at the lack of response - her mother had been sure that her friend Alice would have been at home and had sent Cin to collect some jumble for the forthcoming jumble sale in the church hall.

What Cin didn't need was hanging around in an area seemingly populated by old people when her break from university was so short and her friends were back where her parents lived.

The girl tried to see inside the house but lace curtains obscured the view. There was a car on the drive so she guessed that somebody ought to be in the house.

Through a gate at the side of the house Cin looked for a door at the back of the large house. Her eyes were attracted to a single-story brick-built building at the end of the beautifully manicure lawn. Although the sun was bright there appeared to be an electric light burning inside the building.

Her heels sunk into the soft grass and to avoid falling Cin had to follow a winding path of concrete slabs in order to get to the Building. Her tapping on this door had the same effect as at the house although there was the noise of somebody working inside.


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