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Auction 6: Trainingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1993 words) [6/11] show all parts

Author: mcerotic
Added: Feb 23 2013Views / Reads: 1310 / 968 [74%]Part vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
Helen is taken to Fuckingham College to be trained in the sexual arts to ensure she gets a good price at her second auction

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The next morning a coach came to take Helen to be trained in the sexual arts. She was taken to what appeared to be an innocuous boarding house but was in fact a very discreet college, officially known as Buckingham College but colloquially called Fuckingham College. Discerning ladies and gentlemen would send special servants to the school, or even send their teenage children for an education that was not covered in the normal school curriculum. Many Victorian men had mistresses, of course, but the smartest thing to do was to employ a sexually trained maid so that top-quality sex was available at all hours right under the noses of their wives. Or wives would arrange that a footman or a butler would have some extra skills that their husband did not know about.

When Helen arrived she discovered that she was to share the room with another girl called Annie. She was very attractive. She was a servant at a Duke's house in the country, working in the kitchen. One day she had been summoned up to the entrance where there was a coach waiting and she was brought here to the college. The two girls were still getting to know each other when the door opened. A smartly dressed older man entered the room.

"Hello," he said, "I'm James and I am the assigned tutor for the two of you. The format of the course is that I will spend the evenings with you in your room giving you personal instruction. During the day we will be with the other young men and women on the course so that everyone on the course gets a wide range of sexual experiences with ...

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