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A Husband Wondersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2819 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Apr 03 2013Views / Reads: 4635 / 3476 [75%]Story vote: 9.36 (11 votes)
I noticed my wife acting strange lately and wondered if she was up to something...

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I had noticed my wife's behavior changing a bit recently and wondered if there was something wrong. A bit over a month ago we had gone to visit my high school buddy Mike and his wife Melissa and had gotten pretty drunk that night and ended up swapping our spouses. It was a crazy night but we all enjoyed it and had a great time and had even discussed doing it again. My wife and I had spoken about it several times and she seemed to be okay with it. I wasn't sure if maybe she was having second thoughts about it or if it was something else but she definitely seemed a bit differently lately. She had taken a couple days off of work for no reason, and that was unusual. She had also spent a night away from home recently, which she had never done before. She told me that she was going to help her sister babysitting her daughters while she was attending a friend's wedding but now I began to wonder if that's where she really was. Then one Saturday afternoon her phone had gone off and I grabbed it to go bring it to her. I took a quick peek at it and noticed that there was a text message from my buddy Mike asking her to give him a call. I found it kind of odd for him to be texting her since they really never got along enough to be texting each other. My mind began to race and I started wondering if there was something else going on. I knew that he had lusted over my wife for a very long time and the night that we swapped partners was probably the best time of his life. I tried not to think too much into it but it still ran through my mind. My wife wasn't the type to run around behind my back but then again I guess you never know. I decided to leave it alone and just take things one day at a time and keep my eyes open. ...

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