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The one guy that I really have to havethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1244 words)

Author: Vicki Picture in profile
Added: Jan 13 2001Views / Reads: 1074 / 2 [0%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
I met Carl at work, and for a year lusted after him quietly, then one day I got brave and told him how much I wanted him, for the next year I wrote to him telling him, then finally!

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I met Carl at work, I had been there several years and then one day he appeared I didn't really notice Him at first but then I talked to Him one day and He smiled at me and I realized that He had the sexiest smile, and was really quite good looking. From that day on I would watch him whenever I got the chance, not so obvious that He would notice but whenever I got the chance usually only once or twice a week. This lust from afar went on for maybe a year, then one day I got bold, it was the end of the year and I knew that I wouldn't be working with him for several months and I made my desires known to him, he smiled in that sweet sexy way of his and laughed when I told him that I would meet him at 2am at the local bar. I of course never went you see I am married to another and so is he. I sent him a small insignificant present just to make him think of me, then I started writing him very provocative emails that I liked to think got him aroused and I even hoped that he thought of them when he made love to his wife. Eventually the time came that I would see him again after not looking into those beautiful sexy blue eyes of his for several months, I was so nervous wondering what he must think of this outrageous older woman that would send him steamy emails telling him that I want to suck his cock, that I want to be his sex slave, that I want to do anything and everything that he could possibly want me to. Alas as it turns out he didn't want anything from me, never even to know what it would feel like to fill my mouth with his hard cock, but by this time I began to really enjoy just simply writing to him, what started out with me wanting to have an extramarital relationship turned into something that ...

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