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Martinethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3229 words)

Author: Doctor Wankenstein Picture in profile
Added: Apr 25 2013Views / Reads: 2600 / 1516 [58%]Story vote: 9.75 (4 votes)
Sex in the 70's: A night out turns into sex with an older woman, then another one !

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Martine Back in 1978 I was a very innocent lad, really, not that I'd admit it. I'd had a few girlfriends, at school, one for 18 months 1973-5, the lovely Debbie, but this was snogging and boobs only, and one little feel of her pussy ever,(Debbie to be revisited in "After So Long" in 2001) and including just one sha9, Sara at 15, then one "adult" relationship at 18, lasting six months in the heady summer of '76, with a 19 year old mother, Sue, who provided sha9s #2 to #400 ,approximately, and my first wonderful wonderful blow job. After Sue, a complete desert apart from the older woman Jane (3/6/77) until................. Quite a remarkable evening, in 1978. I was 20. It was a Saturday night and after a night in the wine bar in Birmingham, I had managed to get snog , and date for the following night with one Medina, who was the apple of my desire, at the time. She was a touch older than me, much more experienced and with a shaved pussy, so she said, which I never did get to see. I was on the bus on the way home to Sheldon, and met another one time member of our wine bar crowd, Martine. She was a good deal older than me, perhaps 27 or 28, and she seemed light years older, very well spoken and intelligent, and she lived in a flat very close to me, opposite my morning bus stop.

We had some history, one very memorable (to me) birthday snog, and her boxer boyfriend , (a lookalike of the curly haired Jock in Carrie), had punched me, on a riverboat shuffle , after I made the mistake of acknowledging her as she passed. She was blonde, and very attractive, ...

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