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Running Into A Old Crushthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 7040 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: May 11 2013Views / Reads: 5149 / 3877 [75%]Story vote: 9.69 (16 votes)
Was running some errands one morning when I ran into a old crush and we decided to catch up on old times...(bit longer but worth the read)

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Several weeks ago as I ran some errands, I made my way into the post office and was filling out a mail slip when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see who was calling me and was surprised to see an old classmate standing there. Actually he was more of a classmate to me. When we were in school I had the biggest crush on this guy. Of course things never panned out for the two of us because he had a girlfriend at the time and eventually moved away. I had gone on to meet my husband and we ended up getting married. I hadn't seen this guy in a good 10 to 12 years and I was actually surprised that he still recognized me. I walked over and greeted him with a hug and asked him how he was doing. He told me that he was doing well and that he was back in town to take care of some business. We chatted for a few minutes and then decided to exchange phone numbers so that we could catch up with one another at a later time. We hugged each other once again and he was soon on his way. As he walked out of the post office I couldn't help but notice how he still looked as good as he did in school. Things had been a little rough lately both at home and at work and this was definitely a nice surprise. I finished up in the post office and eventually made my way home.

A few days later as I was puttering around my house, I heard my cell phone ringing and went to see whom it was. I looked down and saw my friend's number on the other end and decided to answer it. We began chatting over the phone for a few minutes before he asked me if I was busy. I told him I was just puttering around the house and he invited ...

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