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Done Dealthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:romantic, 4264 words)

Author: Jackson Dunn
Added: May 15 2013Views / Reads: 1017 / 374 [37%]Story vote: 10.00 (4 votes)
Two guys get together and come up with a deal.

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Done Deal

by Jackson Dunn

The time was right. Chris was twenty-seven and had saved enough for a deposit on a house and so after selecting an area that he wanted to reside in made an appointment with a real estate agent to inspect some properties. Following the interview, Barry, a suave and sophisticated man, middle aged and sporting a salt and pepper trimmed beard, said he had a number of places that he could show him and suggested they take his car and do a tour of his selections. His warm and friendly personality had made Chris confident that Barry would find him the place that he was looking for and was eager to see what he had in mind. During the consultation Chris had been impressed with Barry's honestly and straight forwardness and no nonsense approach but he had been continually distracted by the image of a nipple ring through Barry's business shirt. He wondered if Barry knew that it was obvious as his whole manner through the course of their conversation did not seem to suggest that it worried him at all.

Barry guided Chris to the rear of the premises where a sporty new Jaguar that had recently been cleaned and polished was parked.

"Hop in," he said, "Let's get on our way."


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