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An Enlightened Eveningthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 2925 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Jul 03 2013Views / Reads: 4186 / 2508 [60%]Story vote: 9.50 (12 votes)
I was picked up by a married woman while out on a bad blind date. What happened next was eye opening.

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She was a big girl. Not fat per se but tall, thick and curvy with wide hips and big natural breasts. Her waist wasn't thin but it had a nice taper with a surprisingly flat stomach giving her a magnificent hour glass figure. Her legs, sprouting from a devilishly short dress, were strong and shapely with narrow, almost delicate ankles. She had long, shiny dark hair framing an angelic and utterly beautiful face with striking pale blue eyes that contrasted with her dark hair and tan skin to near perfection.

I had spent the better part of two hours casting discrete, furtive glances at her, soaking in every delicious curve of her body. Her dress, dark blue in color and well above mid thigh in length with a plunging neck line, was tight and clung to her curves like velcro. She had caught me looking several times and while I would have loved to approach her she wasn't alone and neither was I. My date, a petite pixie faced woman a dozen years my junior, and I had been set up by a friend. I hadn't been on a blind date in over twenty years but I was newly divorced and it seemed that everyone around me knew the "perfect girl for [me]". My date was nice, sweet and undeniably pretty but we had no chemistry, no spark. She was painfully reserved and her body, though built for sex, appeared to have do not enter written all over it.

I glanced again at the big sexy woman and our eyes met. She held my gaze, her pretty blue eyes dancing with mine as a big smile spread ...

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