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A Wife's Revengethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 5787 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Jul 15 2013Views / Reads: 4022 / 3367 [84%]Story vote: 9.38 (16 votes)
Come home early one day and hear my husband talking on the phone and making plans with his friend to get me drunk...

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Several weeks ago I got out of work a bit earlier than usual and headed home. My husband would be home already and hopefully making dinner for me. I arrived home after work and found it strange that he hadn't come to open the doors for me. Usually he would see me pull up and come and unlock the doors and let me in. I wondered what the heck he was doing as I grabbed my keys out of my purse. I unlocked the door and let myself in rather quietly. Once inside I could hear my husband talking from the kitchen. It sounded like he was on the phone with someone. I was about to make my way into the kitchen to greet him when I heard him say the words, I'm telling you man it's an awesome plan and we won't fail. I froze in my tracks as I wondered what the hell he was talking about and whom he was talking to. I decided to stand and listen for a bit to see what else he would say. He continued to talk to whoever was on the other end of the phone and told that person that he would guarantee it. I began to wonder what the heck he was guaranteeing. After another minute or so, he told whomever he was talking to that the plan was pretty basic. As I began to wonder what plan he was talking about, he began to describe to the other person what the plan was and that's when everything started to unravel and I realize whom he was talking to.

He began telling the person on the other end that we would show up around lunchtime on Saturday and that we would all hang out in their backyard. While we hung out, the guys would make sure that the alcohol was flowing all afternoon. Once the evening set in, the plan was to ...

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