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A Spot of Teathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2159 words)

Author: Madison D'Angelica Picture in profile
Added: Jul 21 2013Views / Reads: 2810 / 1958 [70%]Story vote: 9.71 (17 votes)
A London girl invites her date, a professor at Rutgers on sabbatical, in for a cup of tea. One thing leads to another. 1st time author, so feedback and comments are most appreciated...

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A Spot of Tea

We had just ended a pleasurable date at a fine continental restaurant, having dined on superb seafood, and as we were leaving, several women paused to conspicuously take notice of Danny. He was only about 5'10", but his broad shoulders and expansive chest made him appear larger. He had thick dark brown hair that was cut fairly short. Most people considered him handsome, and many told him that he looked like Tony Danza. And he did. I wasn't sure exactly how he felt about that, but he was beginning to tire of the observation. I noticed the women looking at Danny, but it didn't bother me anymore. I was kind of proud to be the one on his arm, if you must know. He paid them no mind, and it was me he had his arm around, and he seemed to be quite devoted to our relationship.

Our conversation was animated on the way through the streets of London to my place, and we laughed heartily recalling scenes from the movie we had viewed earlier. We arrived at my apartment, and after he put his arms around me and kissed me softly, turned and began to walk to his car. People find me quite fetching, and while my breasts were on the smaller side of the ledger, my shapely bum gave observers something to appreciate. He found that to be a fair trade-off, as he had told me early on that he found larger breasts somewhat ponderous. He also seemed to be fascinated by my lightly-curled auburn hair hanging to the middle of my back. And I had quite a pleasing face, or so everyone told ...

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