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The Soldier, Part 11this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 13086 words) [11/11] show all parts

Author: Joshua
Added: Aug 18 2013Views / Reads: 728 / 505 [69%]Part vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
Josh delivers the remains of a fallen World War II pilot who's only remaining relative is a seventy year old widow. A little long, but worth the read. Comments are always welcome.

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I had been a General's Aide for more than a year now since being wounded as a Green Beret in Afghanistan. I really hoped to return to my fellow Green Berets as soon as possible, but until my wounds healed completely, I was stuck doing whatever odd jobs the General had for me. But during the time I had become his aide, I discovered something about me I did not know before coming here. I discovered the joys of older women. I'm only twenty-four years old, but since my arrival, I've had one encounter after another with women at least twice my age. I found out these women loved being treated like ladies while a few enjoyed being treated like whores. Some of my past duties involved me serving as an escort officer for a neglected senator's wife, to finding my cock buried in my aunt's pussy. You'll have to read about my exploits in the past chapters I've written: I know you'll enjoy them.

My current assignment was one I was honor bound to do to the best of my abilities as an officer and a soldier. The remains of a downed B-17 bomber pilot from World War Two were discovered in deep, thick forest in France. Fortunately for the deceased pilot, enough remained of the body that the Army was able to contact his only living relative. I met with the General and he gave me orders to escort the remains to the cousin, a seventy year old widow who lived in Oregon. My orders further stated that I would meet with the flight crew later that afternoon for the six hour flight to the west coast. By four o'clock, I was standing on the tarmac at the airfield with my bags and orders as the small aircraft taxied to a stop just in front of the passenger terminal. The ...

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