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My Home Runsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2725 words)

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Aug 22 2013Views / Reads: 1610 / 1029 [64%]Story vote: 9.25 (8 votes)
It was six-thirty on a Tuesday evening and raining. At least another half-hour until we were home. I glanced at Shelley in the passenger seat and asked, “Nervous?” “A little. Do you do this often?” There was no real answer to that. We did

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It was six-thirty on a Tuesday evening and raining. At least another half-hour until we were home. I glanced at Shelley in the passenger seat and asked, "Nervous?"

"A little. Do you do this often?"

There was no real answer to that. We did it when the opportunity arose and that was unpredictable. Shelley was the first for nearly three months. The next one be next week. It would have taken too long to explain and anyway, we just don't.

We are Graham and Heather, and we are not an orthodox couple. It has taken a while to understand what works for us and it wouldn't do for everybody. Many people would be shocked, some would be envious. But it is what makes our marriage work.

Graham is a senior civil servant - not mandarin but on the way and hopeful. I have my own business, an agency providing temporary office staff. It's the only career I've known. After university I did a business course and then my father set me up with premises and a plan. For five years he worked with me, them said I could manage on my own.

It was soon after independence that I met Graham at a cocktail party. That night we ended up in bed together - as it turned out, ...

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