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Houseguest Lovinthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 3629 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Aug 31 2013Views / Reads: 7936 / 6695 [84%]Story vote: 9.35 (31 votes)
Husband's friend stays with us for a few months while working and things get crazy...

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Several months ago my husband and I were sitting at the table one night having dinner. We were chitchatting about work and a few other things when I made the dreaded mistake of asking him about one of his close friends. His friend had gotten a new job near us and it was a very good job but the problem was that it required him to travel pretty far. He lived in the southern part of the state and we were up in the northern half. He faced a 2 1/2 hour drive to and from work everyday. He made the commute for the first couple of weeks of work, but it started to be too much on him. After a few weeks, he began to stay in hotels during the week and would go home to his family on the weekends. That worked for a little bit, but then that started to get expensive. He wanted to move his family up north so that he would be closer to his job, but at the moment they couldn't afford to move just yet. We talked about it for a bit and as much as I knew I would regret it because I really didn't care for his friend, I tried being the good wife and suggested that we offer his friend our guest room. We didn't use it for anything and he could stay the nights that he needed to and then he could go home on the weekends like he had been doing. My husband asked me if I was sure and even though I really didn't like the idea, I wanted to be supportive of my husband and told him to go ahead and invite his friend to stay with us until he straightened everything out and was able to move. I couldn't believe that I was actually offering this because I really didn't care for his friend. There was something about him that just didn't sit right with me but I was willing to be a friendly and lend a helping hand. We finished up eating and my husband said that he ...

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