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Jamaican Rendezvousthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 7018 words)

Author: K. Finnigan Picture in profile
Added: Oct 09 2013Views / Reads: 2545 / 1678 [66%]Story vote: 9.78 (18 votes)
A woman wins a romantic holiday to a Jamaican beach resort in a radio contest and embarks on a holiday fling with a tall dark stranger.

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I stood alone on a silvery dune, staring out to sea as I fidgeted with my finger. A cool breeze came in off the waves making the palm fronds sigh and shudder and lifting strands of my wavy strawberry blond hair, which fluttered behind me like streamers. The sun was low on the horizon and sky was flecked with clouds, promising a magnificent sunset. I smiled in anticipation of my lover's arrival and walked into the surf, letting the water cool my toes. Soon he would be here, and the perfect holiday romance would be consummated.


My adventure began 3 days ago when I flew to Jamaica and arrived at the luxurious Royal Plantation resort in Ocho Rios. Despite my excitement I had managed to sleep on the flight, so when I checked into my beautiful suite I only needed a quick nap before I was up and ready to explore. The first order of business was a visit to the on-site spa; I felt in the mood for a change. I gave my long, curly red hair a good trim and had it straightened out somewhat so that it hung elegant and wavy. I also lightened its color from its usual dark copper-red to a more playful and summery strawberry blond. Feeling like a new woman, I headed back to my suite and prepared for an afternoon on the beach.

After dressing in a floral print bikini, matching cover-up and white sandals, I admired myself in the mirror. I was in great shape for 43 thanks to good genes, regular exercise and an aversion to direct ...

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