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My Imagination is Under Better Controlthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 7552 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Oct 14 2013Views / Reads: 1322 / 978 [74%]Part vote: 9.88 (8 votes)
Ted has to tell Sarah that he knows about Gary. He devises a plan while talking with Judy.He tells her, but is shocked when Sarah disclosed what she knew.

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My Imagination is Under Better Control

When Ted returned home from his evidence gathering with Judy, he didn't want to gloat about his discovery when Sarah came home in a snit over her lousy day with, as he suspected, Gary. However, he did feel the need to relish the day that Judy offered him quite unexpectedly and then with her promise of a weekly repeat. What more could he ask. He actually felt as if a weight had been lifted from him mind when he was able to control his rampant imagination about Sarah's infidelity. His only carryover anger was her deceptive hiding of her fucking around with Gary. His day with Judy had softened his anger considerable because after his participation in their afternoon of sucking and fucking it, in his mind, would be sanctimonious of him to continue to point fingers at Sarah. Ted still wanted to be able to confront Sarah with her underhanded misdeeds at some future event or maybe another get-together with Gary and Judy, but he knew that could quickly backfire and bite him in the ass.

Sarah didn't mention her lousy day again on Friday or Saturday morning. After work she came straight home and on Saturday, made no mention of going out for any reason whatsoever. Ted remained calm and quiet about his event with Judy, not hinting about even speaking with her. They had lunch on the patio as the day turned cool and even had a nip of fall in the air although they both knew that was a freaky event as it would get hotter. After all, Texas is known for hot October's and November's. ...

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