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A Tidy Nestthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 2513 words)

Author: Chrissie Bentley Picture in profile
Added: Oct 22 2013Views / Reads: 2804 / 2333 [83%]Story vote: 9.87 (31 votes)
A male room mate can be so messy. Unless you give him a really good reason to clean things up, that is...

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"It's your mess, you should clean it up."

It was housekeeping day and the living room was a bombsite - my room-mate Patrick's bombsite. For a week he'd been wrestling with one particular account, a new advertising campaign for the Oedipus hair-weave: "So lifelike, even your mother wouldn't recognise it." Well, I thought it was funny, but the boardroom simply clucked and suggested he come up with something a little less controversial. So he'd spent the last seven days surrounded by an ever-growing heap of discarded sketches and slogans, and would I even go into the room to help him try and organise the clutter? No. It's your mess, you should clean it up.

It wasn't the first time we'd had this argument, and it wouldn't be the last. When I first agreed to share an apartment with Patrick (and that's all we were doing, sharing - he had a girlfriend and I had a social life), I knew his work would keep him from pulling his weight around the place, at least when it came to keeping things tidy. But sometimes, I totally lost my patience with him, and this was one of those occasions.

A few hours later, as he finally got the last pile sorted, I did enter the room, a conciliatory beer in one hand. He looked exhausted and I handed him the drink without a word. He'd done his best to pick up; and, though I knew I'd be doing it properly myself later on, the least ...

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