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Anonymous revistedthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1312 words)

Author: Inneed indeed
Added: Nov 11 2013Views / Reads: 1218 / 718 [59%]Story vote: 8.67 (12 votes)
I posted my story earlier, but it disappeared, so I will try again, but it is mostly about me.

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As I said in the title, this will be a rewrite of my original story. I didn't keep a copy of the original, so it will be somewhat different in the text. Before I get into the story, I would like to give a rather lengthy description of myself, so if that turns you off and if you are a "stroke" reader that wants to get to the actual and vivid description of the act without a buildup, please don't rate it a "1" without an explanation and go on to another story. The ratings of my stories and your comments are very important to me.

I actually get off when you tell me in detail that you liked my story and if not, why. I want to appeal to you as a reader and this is the only way I have to know if I am succeeding or not.

So-here goes- some of you have requested a picture of me, unfortunately, I can't provide one for several reasons.I wish that I could because I want it to be actually me that you are fucking while you read the story. I think that I am still physically attractive enough , but realistically, I won't appeal to everyone and maybe your imagining my appearance is best - just so long as you put yourself in the place of the male in the story. I am five foot four, one hundred eighteen pounds. My breasts are thirty four C. Their aureola is reddish brown and dark enough to be seen when I am wearing a sheer enough blouse. My nipples extend when I am sexually aroused. I am twenty eight inches around the waist. My hips are thirty eight inches wide- somewhat broad for me to be proportional, but just right for me to cradle my lover and ...

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