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Cheatthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2322 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: NoSayQuien Picture in profile
Added: Nov 14 2013Views / Reads: 2103 / 1566 [74%]Part vote: 9.31 (16 votes)
I love cheating. I didn't always know I did.

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It was happening right in front of my husband's eyes. That's what made it so exciting. That's what turned me into a fuck slut for my husband's best friend.

I am Susan. My husband is named Ed (full name: Edward Wilson Rollins, III). He is a nice guy. I met him just after I got my first job at the ad agency where we both work. In fact, Ed's father, who has now retired, started the agency. Ed is not totally in charge yet, but he ultimately will be. So: nice guy. Good provider. Good looking too, I guess. Clean. Neat. Always dresses well, but he's not affected, or stuck up. Like I said, he's a nice guy.

Ed and I had what I assume is a "typical" kind of romance. Ed courted me with lots of attention. He took me out to baseball games. We went to the movies. I went home to meet his parents, who have moved down to Palm Springs since his dad retired. Ed attended a Fourth of July picnic with my family. They're out of town, too. We went to church on the big religious days, had dinner in the City. We took trips to the wine country, went camping in Yosemite, and actually joined the company bowling team together. It all took about a year from our first contact to the wedding reception.

The sex was ok, too. Nothing special, I realize, but it was certainly pleasant. I didn't have a lot of experience, and Ed didn't either. He's only five years older than I am, and he is not any kind of ladies' man. ...

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