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Watching and Wishingthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:interracial, 1902 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Nov 19 2013Views / Reads: 1419 / 839 [59%]Story vote: 9.40 (10 votes)
Swept up in the moment my wife and I had a life changing experience

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Watching and wishing

My wife knelt at his feet with her pretty brown eyes cast towards the floor as I stood against my bedroom wall. My heart pounded so hard that I could hear it clearly and my cock strained against the zipper of my pants. My head was spinning and I could believed what was unfolding before me. My wife and I weren't swingers and we had never seriously discussed the possibility of having a threesome. We had been married for 15 years and to the best of my knowledge she had never been with any other man before or since our wedding day.

"Go on Baby," he said in a deep baritone. "Suck on my big black cock." He was a tall, muscular and commanding figure and his smooth talking had wooed my pretty wife while I sat beside her at a bar. We had gone out to see a local band at a bar a few miles from our home, as we often did, but unlike every other time in our lives, that night, we didn't come home alone.

A powerful shudder passed through my body as I watched her surrender to her ravenous desires. Her small alabaster hands slid up his muscular legs and she looked up at him with soft pleading eyes. I felt like a, fly on the wall, a voyeur invited to watch but not participate in my wife's first extramarital affair and I was oddly excited about it. I absentmindedly rubbed my painfully hard dick through my jeans and a low, involuntary moan escaped my trembling lips. I'd never seen ...

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