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Aunt Sally has a Doctor's Appointmentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 12443 words) [4/22] show all parts

Author: Joshua
Added: Nov 22 2013Views / Reads: 1845 / 1456 [79%]Part vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
Aunt Sally discovers that a doctor's appointment doesn't always involve pain.

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Readers: By now, you know I am a male writing the "Aunt Sally" stories from the perspective of an older woman. Since I was a teenager, I've always been attracted to older women and the allure they bring to everything sexually, intellectually, and with their many experiences. I'm interested in how you, as readers, see my stories and whether or not I've done an adequate job of describing the physical needs of an older woman. Each chapter of my "Aunt Sally' chronicles is based on fact. It was the mother of a high-school classmate who took me when I was eighteen and she was in her forties that changed the way I viewed older women, and which set me on a course of actively seeking physical encounters with women old enough to be my mother. So enjoy each chapter of the "Aunt Sally Chronicles" as they come. I look forward to your comments.

* * * * * *

What a week I was having. My family had gone away for a beach vacation, and I was unable to go because I had a doctor's appointment that couldn't be rescheduled. But that was a good thing because for several months before, I'd done everything I could to seduce my nephew into my bed. He's the oldest son of my twin sister Ruth whose house is next door to mine. Scott is a tall, handsome, and well-built swimmer and his body drives me crazy. Finally, one Saturday afternoon, I discovered Scott jacking off in his bathroom as he called out my name. As you can imagine, that was the break I waiting for and for the remainder of the ...

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