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Neighborly Seductionthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 2445 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Nov 30 2013Views / Reads: 18217 / 11127 [61%]Story vote: 9.33 (15 votes)
Nicole and Jennifer had only known each other a short time but openly lesbian Nicole knew exactly what buttons to push to get her sexy married neighbor into bed.

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Nicole's fat fingers grazed Jennifer's breast through her silk blouse making her nipples stiffen and her mind reel. Jennifer was a happily married forty year old mother of two and she had never been with another woman. In fact she had never considered it a possibility. She wasn't sexually attracted to girls, though she could see beauty in most women more than in men. Women were soft, sensuous and sexy but she liked dick and specifically her husband's big delicious cock.

"I thought you said you weren't into women," Nicole teased in a deep, somewhat maculine, voice as her fingers pinched and tweaked the sexy milf's pebble like nipples. Nicole was openly gay and most anyone who saw her could tell her preference in an instant. She wore her hair stylish but short and she rarely wore make up but had a pretty face without it. Her body was thick and curvaceous with wide hips, broad shoulders, big tits but a surprisingly narrow and delicate waist.

"I'm not," Jennifer croaked defiantly. Her words were firm but it was clear from her body language that she was enjoying the other woman's skilled touch. She looked briefly into Nicole's eyes and her breath caught in her chest. She had only known Nicole for a few weeks and she had felt inexplicably drawn to her from the start. Nicole was a handsome if not beautiful woman with a stunning golden green eyes that glimmered like precious stones.

"So you want me to stop?" Nicole asked playfully. She had taken a ...

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