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Crazy Class Reunionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2928 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Dec 31 2013Views / Reads: 2544 / 2070 [81%]Story vote: 9.10 (10 votes)
I get an invitation to my class reunion, my husbands decides not to go, and I go anyway and end up running into some old friends...

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I was going through some mail one afternoon when I came across an invitation. I opened it up to see what it was and noticed that it was an invitation for my 10-year high school class reunion. It was going to be held at a fancy hotel so that anyone who drank too much could book a room and spend the night. As I read it, I couldn't believe it had been 10 years since high school already. I sat on the couch and looked it over while thinking back to the old days. I wondered what had happened to some of my friends and was considering actually going. I figured it would be nice to run in to a few people and see how things have been with them. I decided that I would talk to my husband about it when he got home and see how he felt about going. A few hours later he arrived from work and we eventually sat down at the dinner table to eat. As we ate, we discussed our day at work. I eventually bought up the topic of the class reunion and quickly noticed that he had no interest in going. I was a bit disappointed because I had wanted to go to catch up with a few of my friends. We sat and talked about it and he told me that he really wouldn't feel comfortable attending it because he would know anybody there. I knew how he felt and realized he would be out of place but at the same time I really wanted to go. As we discussed it, he suggested asking one of my close friends whom I graduated with and see if she was going. I smiled as he brought up the idea and realized that I could probably convince her to go and the two of us could catch up with our old friends. I finished up with dinner and eventually gave her a call. After some chatter, I bought up the topic of the invitation and she said she had gotten one as well. I asked her what she thought about ...

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