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The Wankthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 1677 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Lyn Picture in profile
Added: Jan 19 2014Views / Reads: 5074 / 3803 [75%]Part vote: 9.71 (31 votes)
My soon to be boyfriend has to turn to me for personal services

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The Wank

I don't know why I like this story so much. You could say it's small potatoes compared to my other adventures, but hey.

It concerns my ex boyfriend Rob but BEFORE he was my boyfriend, I was working at a comms company, and he'd worked there as a student, before he left and went to the South Coast to study proper.

He was 5' 11' wiry with a mess of surfdude hair, and if you could imagine a MALE Claudia Schiffer than that is him.

He was a surf dude and I was a young exec in a suit. I used to go and see him every other weekend. He lived in a shared house with some others.

We were friends, good friends but it was platonic. I was 25 and he was 21, he considered himself too young for me, and I was madly trying to fit into his world and failing.

We used to kiss as I arrived, and as I left, on the lips, but no tongues. Hugs but no ass grabbing. Well, very little.

Anyway, this one weekend he went rock climbing with the uni, and there was an accident. Nothing fatal, but he'd sustained quite nasty rope ...

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