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A year of Firsts - part 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1661 words) [1/26] show all parts

Author: melaniej
Added: Jan 19 2001Views / Reads: 10031 / 7986 [80%]Part vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
The story of my discovery of my body and the wonders of sex over one single year. It is all true. Feedback is welcome.

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This is the first part of many about me and one incredible year in my life. I want to make it clear that everything in these stories is true. In a couple of instances where my memory failed me (it has been a dozen years) I have taken a few liberties but have based them on the facts I do remember. The names, except my own, have been changed and a few minor alterations were made to meet the requirements of this site. Feedback is welcome.

Part 1

My name is Melanie and I was a fairly late developer and quite shy so I had little to do with boys through most of my time at school. In fact it wasn't until I was almost eighteen that I really began to take an interest in boys generally and in the whole issue of sex. Up until then I had kind of assumed that it would all happen at some time in the future. I really didn't have much time for boys anyway because I was very focussed on academic success. I was a good Catholic girl who still went to church every Sunday.

I had developed, finally, very nice breasts, B-cup but very well shaped. I was tall, brunette and not unattractive but certainly not beautiful. I had great skin which I looked after carefully and like all of my friends I was very much a virgin. In my case, although I knew about the mechanics of sex I knew nothing of the thrill of it. At that stage, even though I knew it was possible for girls to masturbate, I didn't ...

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