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Vacation Revengethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2770 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Feb 11 2014Views / Reads: 3920 / 3319 [85%]Story vote: 9.04 (26 votes)
Finally convince my lazy husband to get away for a few days. We go but he decides to keep being lazy and I decide to make a few friends out by the pool...

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This past summer I told my husband that we needed to get away for a few days. It had been years since we had gone on vacation anywhere and I was starting to get fed up. He complained that he didn't want to spend the money and that we were fine taking a few days off and going over to our friends house since he had a pool. I became infuriated because hanging out with his friends wasn't my idea of a vacation. He never wanted to go anywhere because he was always consumed in his work. He didn't have time for anything or anyone these days. Hell, it had been weeks since we had even touched each other. I was at my wits end with this crap .We ended up arguing about it and continued to do so over the course of the next few days until he finally gave in. He told me that he would book a room down the shore and we could go for a few days. I realized that it was better than nothing and looked forward to getting away for a few days. We made our plans and settled on the following weekend. We would leave on Friday afternoon when we got home from work and stay there until Monday evening. Like I said it was better than nothing. The next couple of days when we went by pretty quickly and Friday was upon us.

I took the day off on Friday in order to pack my bags and get everything ready for the trip. I was excited to finally get out of the house and do something besides hang out with our friends all the time. I got everything ready so that when my husband got home from work, we would hit the road. I hoped that a couple of days away would hopefully lead to some romance. After all, it had been a few weeks since we had done ...

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