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Wild Westthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4086 words)

Author: Jay Picture in profile
Added: Feb 12 2014Views / Reads: 6205 / 3611 [58%]Story vote: 9.09 (11 votes)
I wondered how those group scenes get started. My friend told me. Then she showed me.

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My friend Ginny is well-educated on non-traditional sexuality. She writes a blog that covers slut-shaming, LGBT issues, polyamory and everything else good or bad in that sphere of knowledge. I sought her input on a story once when I was concerned that one scene would seem mysogynistic. (It didn't.) One day I was at my favorite amateur porn photo site, and I saw a woman on her back with three guys. I clicked on the user's name, and the next picture showed her with four guys. Sometimes there's a short explanation of how it came to pass, but not this time. For some reason I started to wonder about it. In particular, since I couldn't see much of her face, I wondered whether she was enjoying it. I went to Facebook and asked Ginny to help me figure out not only the answer to my question but what my question even was. I had tried to imagine a woman doing it with one guy, and then another guy just happens along, and then another, and it just seemed too silly to be real. Then there was the presence of the camera. At some point did she or one of the guys say, "We should take pics just so we can all remember this!" I'm pretty sure I'd remember a night like that even without pictures. The word that finally came out of my mouth and keyboard during our chat was exploitation. I figured if it was amateur, she was probably enjoying it, but I couldn't shake that little bit of doubt.

"Did she look like she was physically aroused?" Ginny asked.

"Her nipples were hard and her labia looked puffy, so, yeah," I said. ...

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