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Saving the Worldthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 2372 words)

Author: Chrissie Bentley Picture in profile
Added: Feb 14 2014Views / Reads: 1537 / 659 [43%]Story vote: 9.80 (15 votes)
A Valentine's message from the Planet Earth. Or the birth of Eco-porn. It's not the sexiest story I've ever written, but I hope you'll agree, it's the thought that counts.

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It's only now that you can see what a massive difference it made in the end. At the time, it was simply a bloody good laugh, and besides, it really wasn't something you see every day. An entire building... city... country... continent... planet full of people, and all of them dropping whatever they were doing, and either getting or giving head to whoever happened to be closest to them at the time. And doing it for charity as well! That was the most exciting part, I think. The whole planet got its rocks off, and then it got saved. And we're here to reap the benefits of that.

It's hard to believe it was 50 years ago, though. The way the history books talk about it, and the old timers reminisce (ha! I should talk, I'm almost 80 now!), you'd think it all happened yesterday. But no, fifty years have passed since that magical day, and the images are still burned into my brain. A beefy cop on a traffic stop, kneeling to eat out the woman he was ticketing. A girl on the cosmetics counter at Macy's, getting her make-up smudged by a co-worker's pussy. A surgeon, pausing midway through a vasectomy, to offer the patient's wife one last taste of her husband's living seed. And so on. If you were there, you have a story. If you weren't... well, at least you're still alive. There was a moment there when we doubted that would be the case.

The world had been sinking for a long time before 2014 came along, and a lot of worthy souls had thrown a lot of effort into reversing the ...

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