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The Girl In The Doorway (2)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5811 words) [2/6] show all parts

Author: Chrissie Bentley Picture in profile
Added: Feb 24 2014Views / Reads: 1401 / 1127 [80%]Part vote: 9.97 (32 votes)
Morning comes, and Rob and Flora must face their past before they can speak of the future.

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Flora spooned up another mouthful of cereal and tried to remember the last time she had done something so simple, so normal, so mundane as this. Sitting at the kitchen table, the TV babbling softly in the background, a bowl of puffed wheat in front of her. Upstairs, she could hear Rob dragging something across the floor, and thought for a moment of asking if there was anything she could do to help. But no. That would be too normal. He'd told her to eat, so that's what she'd do.

He appeared in the doorway a few minutes later anyway. "Finished. Want to come see?"

She nodded dumbly, and realized that she was still in a daze. Not much more than twenty-four hours before, home had been a doorway downtown. Now... well, home might still be a doorway downtown. But for tonight, at least, it appeared to be here. Why else would he have gone to the trouble of, as he put it, "clearing out the spare room so you'll have somewhere to call your own"?

And he must have seen the look of uncertainty that flashed through her mind, because he hastily added, "that's if you want it, of course."

She picked up the shopping bags he'd presented her with last night, and followed him upstairs. The house was huge, only two floors but every room was the size of the last apartment she lived in... but she chased ...

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